What We Offer

What makes TNB-Fitness different? Explore our personal training options, and find out how we are unique given our social enterprise design.

Customized STrength and Fitness training

You will not be thrown a generic ‘workout of the day’ at TNB-Fitness. Your individualized workout program is structured to fit your needs and will consist of the proper exercise selection, volume, intensity, and variation to ensure that you are always making progress. Our nutrition philosophy is habit and lifestyle based. We meet you where you are and set realistic behavior goals with you so that change is lasting and long-term. 

High quality coachinG Staff

Everything we do is supported by our stellar coaching staff. TNB-Fitness has some of the very best coaches in Nashville, which make our gym a destination facility for women who are serious about their fitness. Whether you are coming off of an injury, intimidated by starting a training program, or need to improve your mobility, strength, or endurance, our coaches will work to support you and help you stay on track to meet your goals.

supporting your community

Training at TNB-Fitness makes you a socially responsible citizen and part of the solution to improving Nashville's health and obesity problem! A portion of your monthly membership fee will go to help lower-income women in our non-profit, The New Beginnings Center. Nashville has so much going for it, but our health and obesity statistics are among the worst in the country. You can feel good knowing you're doing something to change this by helping provide an incredible opportunity for other women in Nashville.